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Sunday, March 18, 2012


She’s always been easy on the eyes, and Keira Knightley is stunning once again on the cover of British GQ magazine’s March 2012 issue.The “A Dangerous Method” starlet works her magic for the camera in the cover shot, sporting a flirty grey sweater dress and cropped coif.Highlights from Miss Knightley's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to pay a visit to
On how different the perceptions are of her in both America and her home country:
"The Americans are generally a lot more supportive. They generally like the work a lot more than they do here. It is what it is, I suppose. It could just be that I’m not to a lot of people’s tastes. Which is fine. Well it’s not, obviously. You want to be to everyone’s taste... But. I think it’s better to do your own thing rather than try to please everyone and just be this mushy thing in the middle. Sometimes it’s like water off a duck’s back, and sometimes it really hurts... and then you go away and cry for an hour or so, and then pick yourself up again."
On being the happiest she's ever been:
"I’m actually loving this bit right now - doing the work I’m doing, having the life I can have around it. Right now, it’s really good."

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