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Monday, April 18, 2011

DOPEstore x Boxfresh 7hundred space

Once again BOXFRESH uk and DOPEstore have teamed up on another project called seven hundred.Basically the space is about 700 hundred shoes in 700 hrs and DOPEstore had to create the space in 700mins.Boxfresh will be bringing in never been seen before winter footwear(mostly ladies) and we have have been given a target of selling 700 pairs and everything will be sold @ R700.....sounds crazy rite!Remember we have to do this 700hrs and after that its all gone!This is also the last activity thats going to happen in this space interms of the brand BOXFRESH uk,for us its such a fun way of saying goodbye to a very fruitfull collabo.
BOXFRESH uk has moved to a new space in the store but more on that later.

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